HireTopTalentAt Mitton Media we always keep an eye out for information that will help our clients’ efforts to find and recruit the best talent. Recently I cam across an article in Inc. Magazine that echos much of what we tell our clients:

Like Mitton Media, the author did the research to come up with a list of things that all businesses, large or small, need to to to win the war for the best talent.

Here’s a list of six essential items you need to practice in order to attract and hire top people:

1. Ditch the job boards. Most job board sites, like Monster and Career Builder, have seen a steady decline in traffic.

2. Put more emphasis on social media. Obviously spend a massive amount of time on LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter. Where job searches are concerned, the active job seekers live on LinkedIn, while the more passive job seekers are on Facebook. All you have to do is leverage your existing social media marketing efforts.

3. Make applying easy. Many companies make the barrier to entry too high and the reward too low by requiring applicants to fill out page after page of information before they can even submit a resume. The candidates you most want to attract—in some cases, people who are so skilled they have options—will opt out.

4. Follow up. Every candidate you turn down is at the very least a potential customer, at best a person you will want to hire. Job seekers hate when they apply for a job and never heard a word, and they’re not shy about sharing their feelings with others.

5. Manage the relationship. Every job seeker has heard, “We’ll keep your information on file and will contact you if we have future openings.” Every job seeker also knows the company never will.If you don’t select a candidate but she is definitely a person you may want to hire in the future, set up a simple system that allows you to stay in touch. See great people as leads.

6. Sell. Ultimately the best talent needs to be sold. Great companies land outstanding employees because they work hard to find and sell great talent.

Read the complete article at: http://www.inc.com/jeff-haden/recruiting-and-hiring-how-to-find-better-candidates.html

Better yet, give us a call and let MITTONMedia show you how you can implement these ideas and other best practices that will drive top talent to your company.


David Foster

Sr Consultant – Client Services.